> “no flesh, last light” by Emmanuel d’Autreppe (en / fr / nl)
Published in View Photography Magazine, N°6 Autumn 2007
see also: http://lapetiteusine.org/viewmag.be/site/index.php?node_id=58
> “CONFUSION IS VIOLENCE IS NOISE, Stills from virtual movies,
Ideas on perception and meaning in the work of Kumi Oguro” (2006)
by Jan Van Woensel (en / nl)
> “Bij de beelden van Kumi Oguro” by Hans Op de Beeck (en / nl)
Shorter version of the text was published in the catalogue of ‘Foto Antwerpen / Photo Antwerp 2005’
> Text about the work “Poor Little Creatures” by Stef Van Bellingen (en / nl)
For the exhibition in fst forward, Antwerp, 2004